Celebrate Hanukkah with a plant-based feast

Hanukkah is an opportunity to indulge in some holiday classics. Whether it's your first plant-based holiday or not, the Blue Zones Meal Planner has your traditional favorites with a healthy twist. Even if you don’t usually celebrate the Festival of Lights you’re going to want to give some of these incredible meals a try! 

Try side dishes like Beet and Potato Latkes, Spiced Tzimmes, and Quinoa Salad with Sweet Potatoes & Pears before digging into a satisfying Tempeh Brisket.

You can also easily scale up the number of servings of each recipe in your Menus to enjoy these delicious dishes for all 8 days of Hanukkah (or longer, if you can’t get enough 😉)!

Hanukkah Sameach!

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