Menu Outline: Nicoya, Costa Rica
This Central American nation isn’t that far from the U.S. geographically, but it is way ahead of us in longevity. The Caribbean nation is economically secure and has excellent health care. But other factors are at play, especially in Nicoya, an 80-mile peninsula just south of the Nicaraguan border. One is the “plan de vida,” or reason to live, which propels a positive outlook among elders and helps keep them active.
Another is a focus on family and a special ability to listen and laugh. Nicoyan centenarians frequently visit with neighbors, and they tend to live with families and children or grandchildren who provide support, as well as a sense of purpose.
Finally, eating fewer calories appears to be one of the surest ways to add years to your life. Nicoyans eat a light dinner early in the evening. For most of their lives, Nicoyan centenarians ate a traditional Mesoamerican diet highlighted with the “three sisters” of agriculture: squash, corn, and beans.

If you want to eat like those in Nicoya, give these recipes a try!
Costa Rican Casado with ‘Cashew’ Cheese
Tender Bean, Potato and Onion Stew and Nixtamal Tortillas
Butter Bean Stew with Roasted Summer Squash
Just open up each recipe and click the ADD+ button to add it to the Menu of your choosing!